BusOnlineTicket Loyalty Point System
Earn With Every Booking
Earn BOT Miles when you book bus, train and ferry tickets within Singapore and Malaysia on BusOnlineTicket.com website and app. Every RM 1.00 or S$ 0.40 you paid worth one point and you can accumulate these points to redeem a discount worth up to RM 50 or S$ 20!
Members need to log in to be able to earn BOT Miles for their booking.
How BOT Miles Works?
Important Update
Effective July 1, 2024, your BOT Miles will have a 12-month validity period from the last booking date. Each time you make a booking, the expiry date of ALL accumulated points will automatically be extended to another one year from the latest booking date. This ensures that your points remain active for an extended duration, providing flexibility and ample time for redemption.