50% Offer Penang to One Utama bus ticket from RM 41.00 | BusOnlineTicket.com

Penang to One Utama Bus Tickets

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Penang to One Utama Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Billion Stars 12:30 15:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 40.00
Bus from Penang to One Utama
Cheapest PriceRM40.00
Distance348 km
Est. Duration4 hrs 50 min
No. of Operator1 operators

Popular Bus Company from Penang to One Utama

Penang to One Utama Bus Guide

Bus from Penang to One Utama

Bus from Penang to One Utama (Damansara) is a unique bus route connecting Penang and Damansara area in Kuala Lumpur. With the rising population in Damansara area Kuala Lumpur, there is growing demand for direct bus service from Penang to One Utama.

Why Take the Bus from Penang to One Utama

There are plenty of choices for bus from Penang to Kuala Lumpur. Usually the arrival point is at Pudu Sentral Kuala Lumpur city centre, which is about 30 minutes to 1 hour driving distance from Damansara area, depending on traffic condition.

Because of the convenience by taking bus from Penang to One Utama, especially for residents staying in Damansara area and visitors going to Damansara, the bus service is always in demand. Advance booking is highly recommended for bus from Penang to One Utama to avoid disappointment.

Duration, Fare, Stops, and Bus Operator

The bus fare for bus from Penang to One Utama is around RM 41.00, except the festive period of Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Haji.

Duration for bus from Penang to One Utama usually takes about 4 hours, depending on traffic condition. By comparing to taking bus from Penang to Kuala Lumpur and arriving at Pudu Sentral, passengers could save the time and hassle of travelling time between Pudu sentral and Damansara.

Usually there is a washroom break provided along the highway.

Season Express (deploying Fivestar Express for this bus route) and Billion Star are the only two bus operators providing the bus from Penang to One Utama.

Lastly, taking bus from Penang to One Utama is convenient especially for residents staying in Damansara area. Now it is even more convenient by booking bus ticket online at BusOnlineTicket.com with instant confirmation. Because of the growing demand for this bus service, do book your ticket online in advance to avoid disappointment.