Shah Alam to Kota Bharu Bus Tickets

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Shah Alam to Kota Bharu Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
E-Mutiara 08:30 20:55 8 M T W T F S S  RM 47.30
Ekspres Musafir 20:35 20:35 2 M T W T F S S  RM 37.30
Express Darul Naim 08:30 20:50 10 M T W T F S S  RM 47.00
MyXPress (Jasa Sinaran Express) 08:25 20:25 6 M T W T F S S  RM 45.00
Naza Express 09:30 21:45 8 M T W T F S S  RM 58.00
Pancaran Matahari Express 20:30 20:30 2 M T W T F S S  RM 60.00
Perdana Express 09:00 21:00 7 M T W T F S S  RM 58.00
Queen Express 08:35 20:45 5 M T W T F S S  RM 58.00
Sani Express 08:30 22:00 20 M T W T F S S  RM 42.50
Teraju Express 08:00 21:05 9 M T W T F S S  RM 47.50
Zaim Express 08:15 20:15 6 M T W T F S S  RM 58.00
Bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu
Cheapest PriceRM 37.30
Distance468 km
Est. Duration7 hrs 30 min
No. of Operator11 operators

Shah Alam to Kota Bharu Bus Guide

Bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu

Bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu is passengers favourite transport travelling between the two cities. Locals especially working adults prefer to travel by bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu because of convenient access to Shah Alam Bus Terminal located at Seksyen 13.

Operators who Serve Bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu

Perdana Express and Transnasional are the two popular bus operators serving bus from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu. Perdana Express is a dominant bus operator serving bus to Kota Bahru in Malaysia, while Transnasional is Malaysia largest bus operator providing almost all bus routes in Malaysia.

Both Perdana Express and Transnasional offer 1 daily departure in the morning. Due to traditionally strong demand for night bus to Kota Bharu, Perdana Experss offers 2 daily departures in the night while Transnasional offers 1 at 20:30.

Working adults prefers overnight coach over the morning coach because they could take bus back back to hometown Kota Bharu after work. By spending the night time in the journey and arriving next morning, they could save the precious day time with their family and friends in Kota Bharu.

Duration, Fare, Notes

Both Perdana Express and Transnasional are offering VIP coach with spacious seating for this long distance journey. The journey from Shah Alam to Kota Bharu takes about 7.5 hours depending on traffic condition. The coach will have at least 1 stopover for passengers' toilet break and to stretch their body.

The bus fare is maintained at the affordable price range of RM 47.00 – RM 47.50. Perdana Express deploys double deck coach fleet for this bus route, thus their bus fare is few cents higher than Transnasional who uses single deck coach fleet.

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