Bus from KL to Hatyai is the most economical transportation option to travel from KL to Hatyai. Apart from that, taking bus from KL to Hatyai is more convenient because pick up point and arrival point are in city area of KL and Hatyai, whereas taking flight is less convenient as both airports in KL and Hatyai are distance away from city area.
Alisan Golden Coach is famous brand serving bus from KL to Hatyai. Other bus companies like Suasana Tony Coach, Konsortium, Hatyai Intertop, Suasana Edaran and Sri Maju also serve this route from KL to Hatyai. Their bus fare is in the range of RM 55.00, varies with seasons. Duration required for bus KL Hatyai is about 8 hours depending on traffic condition. Due to the long hour, the schedule is usually in the morning or in the night, so that passengers will arrive Hatyai at the right time for dinner in the evening or for breakfast in the morning. The coaches are usually equipped with full reclining seats and air conditioning, in order to ensure the maximum comfort to the passengers during the journey.
The coaches generally depart from TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan) in Kuala Lumpur. Usually coaches will stop for 15 minutes break for passenger to go for refreshment and washroom during the journey. In most circumstances, bus is going direct from KL to Hatyai, but sometimes it will alight passengers at Changloon before going through Malaysia and Thailand customs at the border (Note: Changloon is a small towns at Malaysia and Thailand border).
Basically, as long as you have an Internet access, you can book KL to Hatyai bus ticket online with instant confirmation at BusOnlineTicket.com from any corner. Online booking guarantees that you save both your time and your money.