Johor Bahru to KLIA or KLIA2 Bus Tickets

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Johor BahruKLIA or KLIA2
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Johor Bahru to KLIA or KLIA2 Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Causeway Link Express 08:00 11:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 62.00
SC Southern Express 00:25 22:15 20 M T W T F S S  RM 55.00
Starmart Express 10:15 23:59 10 M T W T F S S  RM 60.00
YoYo Express 00:15 23:45 88 M T W T F S S  RM 62.00
Bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA or KLIA2
Cheapest PriceRM 55.00
Distance318 km
Est. Duration-
No. of Operator4 operators

Popular Bus Company from Johor Bahru to KLIA or KLIA2

Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2 Bus Guide

Bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2

Bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2 is relatively new bus service provided by YoYo. This service provides great convenience for Johor residents as well as some Singapore residents to take direct bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2. In the past, they need to take bus from Johor Bahru to KL before transferring shuttle bus to KLIA or KLIA2.

Duration, Fare, Stops, and Departure Point

Duration for bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2 takes about 4 hours with 1 washroom break provided along the journey.

The online booking bus fare for bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA or Bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA2 is SGD 33.00. Though it is higher than the bus fare for bus from Johor Bahru to KL, it does not stop people from taking the service. It is simply because direct bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2 is much more convenient. YoYo currently provides daily 8 schedules of bus service from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2.

The bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA or bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA2 departs from Tun Aminah bus terminal, Johor Bahru. Please take note that Tun Aminah bus terminal is different from Larkin bus terminal. It is about 15-20min driving distance away from Larkin bus terminal.

Passenger should not worry about YoYo bus quality and departure punctuality, and thus resulting late check in at the airport. This is because YoYo has been in the airport bus industry many years back before launching the service for bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2. YoYo had started providing returned bus service between Ipoh and KLIA/KLIA2 since 10 years ago. Passengers who catch the flight at airport should allocate more time allowance for the journey from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2, just in case of any delay along the journey

Passengers should book the bus ticket online in advance to avoid disappointment due to limited trips per day and sole bus service provider in the market. Booking bus ticket at is secure and hassle-free. As long as you have the internet access and credit card, you could make online booking at anywhere under the sun. You not only can book ticket for bus from Johor Bahru to KLIA/KLIA2, but also other bus ticket within Malaysia in