Kuala Perlis to Ipoh Bus Schedule and Bus Fare
Bus from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh
Cheapest Price | RM 30.00 |
Distance | 274 km |
Est. Duration | 4 hrs 30 min |
No. of Operator | 4 operators |
Popular Bus Company from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh
Kuala Perlis to Ipoh Bus Guide
Bus from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh is the most convenient transportation option to travel back and forth between Kuala Perlis and Ipoh. Most of the people travel from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh mainly for business and leisure purpose. Ipoh is one of the popular destination for food and travelling purpose in Peninsular Malaysia.
Bus Operator Who Offer Bus from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh
Sri Maju and Cepat Express are the only bus operators offer bus service from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh. Sri Maju has gained their reputation in offering punctual and excellent quality of bus service for all the passengers
Sri Maju is having up to 5 daily departures starting from morning 10:00am to 6:00pm while Cepat Express only offers one evening bus trip at 6:30pm.
Duration, Fare, Stop and Notes
Duration required for bus from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh is about 4.5 hours depending on the road traffic and climate condition. Generally, one washroom break will be given during the journey.
The bus fare from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh is charged at affordable price RM 30.00. All the buses for Kuala Perlis to Ipoh are either 27 seats or 30 seats. Therefore, by taking direct bus service, passengers could have a comfortable and enjoyable journey from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh.
The boarding point in Kuala Perlis is at Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal. The arrival point in Ipoh is located at Ipoh Aman Jaya Bus Terminal. Passenger arriving at Ipoh Aman Jaya Bus Terminal could take the frequent shuttle bus service to Ipoh town area.
Passengers are advised to book bus ticket from Kuala Perlis to Ipoh via BusOnlineTicket.com to secure your seat in advance. User-friendly online booking and secure payment method make BusOnlineTicket.com the most convenient and reliable online ticketing portal among its customers throughout these years.