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Ipoh to Kuala Perlis Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Cepat Express 04:00 04:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 33.40
Kesatuan Express 09:45 22:25 12 M T W T F S S  RM 30.00
Maraliner 16:00 16:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 27.50
Bus from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis
Cheapest PriceRM 27.50
Distance291 km
Est. Duration4 hrs 30 min
No. of Operator3 operators

Popular Bus Company from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis

Ipoh to Kuala Perlis Bus Guide

Bus from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis

Bus from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis is one of the most convenient and effective mode of transport to travel between the two cities. Bus is the most popular choice to travel from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis because there is no direct train service and direct flight service from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis. Train service from Ipoh terminates at Arau which requires additional transfer service to Kuala Perlis.

Bus Operators Who Offers Bus from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis

Kesatuan Express and Cepat Express are the two operators offering bus service from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis. Kesatuan Express is the dominant players in this route service by having up to 5 daily departures while Cepat Express has only 3 daily departures.

The earliest bus service from Ipoh to Kuala Terengganu is 12:25am, provided by Kesatuan Express. The following bus schedules are 3:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, 12:10pm and 5:30pm.

Duration, Bus Fare, Stops and Note

The estimated duration from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis takes about 4.5 hours depending on the road traffic condition. Passengers will be given at least one washroom break during the journey from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis. Please note that all the buses in Malaysia do not have toilet facilities on board.

The bus ticket price from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis is charging in a range from RM 30.00 to RM 33.40, depending on your selection of bus operator. Cepat Express offers child fare at lower price of RM 25.10.

The pick-up point in Ipoh is located at Amanjaya Bus Terminal. Passengers who live in Ipoh town could take public bus or taxi from Ipoh town area to Amanjaya Bus Terminal. The drop-off point in Kuala Perlis is located conveniently at Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal.

Even though there are frequent daily bus service available from Ipoh to Kuala Perlis, passengers are recommended to book their bus ticket online in advance via Booking your bus tickets with could help you to secure your seat before you go for your trip. Instant confirmation email will be sent to you once the payment is made.